Kaufman immediately set out to push himself and his new art to the next level – creating the giant work entitled, "Caesars 35th Year History." Looking at the 400-foot x 15-foot wall in Caesars Palace Casino, where his Museum Art piece would be hung, Kaufman knew his work would bring Caesars history and future together.
But this new work would only succeed if the painting forced the observers to participate. By seeking to draw viewers into the painting itself, he chose common objects and made them very special. For example, Kaufman used 80 pairs of real boxing gloves, with one of each of the 160 world title fights painted on each glove.
Next, the gloves would actually be signed by the world title championship boxers who won the fights, adding both history and flesh and blood to the painting. To add even more life, a real 24-foot x 24-foot boxing canvas that Tommy "Hit Man" Hearns and "Sugar" Ray Leonard fought on would be painted with scenes of their boxing rounds – and signed by both boxers –bringing the viewer, the subject and the event into one place and time.
This new Museum Art piece was evolving into more than a multimedia mural – it would be a new Pop Art experience!
Next, to expand the new style, Kaufman painted 6 real heavy bags, hung from the ceiling, and 11 speed bags depicting Pop Art friezes of the world title fights held at Caesars, in an art-telling-a-story series. Next, he added 6 motorcycle helmets painted to look like Evel & Robbie Knievel helmets, further mixing 3D art and painting. With every experiment, Kaufman pushed the envelope of subject, medium, and other elements, to create a one-of-a-kind experience that leaps off the walls of Caesars Palace into the imagination of the viewer.
Like other classic artist before him (Picasso, Van Gogh, etc.), Kaufman will unveil to the world a new living art form. Gaining the attention of the contemporary world, he wil prove his place as a mirror of his time.
Kaufman does it his way. "Steve Kaufman, a Pop Art master, is often quoted, debated, questioned, praised, and, yes, sometimes ridiculed for his bold views. But one thing remains clear, his drive to create art "His Way" is unwavering. Kaufman says, "I have no other choice but to create. I always push myself to the next level. There are over 300 different colors of red, and there are a million ways to see the red apple in the painting, Art is about creating the different choices."
Like a true artist, Kaufman challenges that which is the essence of art. Kaufman has stated, "A painting doesn't have to be on canvas to be an original. It just seems that a lot of art is being created just on canvas, but it doesn't seem to be original." Kaufman continues to take risks, blending different styles, mediums and images to continue reinventing Pop Art. Kaufman has always said,"Why ever stay the same?" Steve Kaufman's Museum Art piece, titled, "Caesars 35 Year History," will join his other Caesars work, the September 11th Memorial." Kaufman’s goal is to leave an indelible mark on Caesars Palace and our times.