Oscar De La Hoya grew up in East Los Angeles.
Steve Kaufman grew up in the South Bronx in New York.
Oscar De La Hoya has a youth center in East Los Angeles that trains kids to box and to use computers. His after school programs have helped over 7,000 kids to a better life.
Steve Kaufman helps kids from the LA correction system. He had hired 995 kids with criminal records, put them to work, and taught them to respect themselves and others.
Steve Kaufman has created paintings of Oscar De La Hoya's boxing career. Oscar would sign these historical paintings, and this event at Bally's and Paris Casino in Las Vegas has help raised money for both Oscar's and Steve's charity.
Tom Bonanne's (Senior Vice President, Casino Marketing) concept is that you can go to a Oscar De La Hoya fight and never meet Oscar one on one, or come to the Bally's and Paris Casino event, and be a high roller and treated like a high roller and meet Oscar face to face.