Steve Kaufman
The Official Website 

Comic Book Superheroes As Pop Art

Some of the biggest names in the Pop Art world -- Warhol, Rauschenberg, Lichtenstein -- used Comic Book characters in their paintings. At the time, they were criticized by critics and other artists. Time Magazine ran an article saying, "Lichtenstein the worst artist in the world." Thirty years later, these artists are household names.

Now there is an artist, Steve Kaufman, who again is creating paintings using images from Comic Books. Just as Lichtenstein, Warhol, and Rauschenberg did, the critics, art dealers, and the press are criticizing the work of this artist. But Steve is more than a Comic Book painter. He has had the honor of painting authorized portraits of Frank Sinatra, Muhammad Ali, and Marilyn Monroe, as well as the Picasso portrait for the Picasso Academy of Fine Arts of Spain, and Van Gogh portrait. The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam will use the images as its poster to promote the Museum to a younger audience. Imagine being the first American Artist asked to paint the portraits of Europe's 2 greatest artists.