Former assistant to Andy Warhol, Steve Kaufman is
considered one of the most important Pop artists of our time. Kaufman has his
first one-man show at 8 years old at a local bank sponsored by a Jewish Temple
in the Bronx. The paintings, a series on the Holocaust, were donated to the
Jewish Holocaust Museum of Art in Brooklyn. In 1972 Steve was chosen, along
with nine other students from NYC, to participate in a cultural art exchange between
Japanese students. He was soon awarded a summer scholarship at Parson's School
of Design for fine art and design. With an art career on the horizon he
enrolled in the School of Visual Arts in New York and was fortunate to meet
Andy Warhol. Kaufman became Warhol's assistant at The Factory. He would learn
from experiences at The Factory while developing his own artwork. The impact of
celebrity on contemporary culture intrigued Kaufman, thus famed faces of music
and film find their way onto his canvas. Kaufman seeks to find society's common
denominators-the elements and individuals who generate an immediate response
from the viewer. Kaufman is an artistic journalist commenting both on history,
both past and present. To deliver his perspectives, Kaufman has refined the
silk-screening process, allowing for greater fluidity and definition in
expression. Returning to the silkscreen canvas to add hand-over painting, each
Kaufman silkscreen is a unique work of art. Kaufman's works reflect his
changing thoughts and perspectives during the creative process. According to
Kaufman, "I try to catch the spirit of the individual I've depicted. When
working on the Beethoven images, I play Beethoven's music and strive to
essentially become Beethoven."